- 品牌:夏弗纳
- 价格: 面议
- 产品型号:FN2030BZ-3-06
- 产品数量:不限
- 产品关键字: 滤波器
- 所属行业: 滤波器
- 发布时间:2022/11/18 17:39:58
品牌 | 夏弗纳 |
型号 | FN2030BZ-3-06 |
公司性质 | 私营企业 |
所在区域 | 山东青岛市城阳区 |
所在行业 | 滤波器 |
青岛宇星 山东青岛夏弗纳电子档资料
schaffner; schaffner滤波器; schaffner夏弗纳
; 瑞士schaffner;schaffner的代理商
schaffner公司;schaffner 上海; 瑞士夏弗纳网站
FN 2010 General purpose EMC/EMI filter
Rated currents from 1 to 60 A
General purpose filtering performance
Optional medical versions (B type)
Optional safety versions (A type)
Attenuation performance: standard
Leakage current: 0.74 mA
Leakage current (A types): 0.074 mA
Leakage current (B types): 0.002 mA
Operating frequency: dc to 400 Hz
FN 2090 Multi-stage EMC/EMI filter with excellent attenuation performance
Rated currents from 1 to 30 A
Two-stage filter
Very high differential and common-mode attenuation
Optional medical versions (B type)
Optional safety versions (A type)
Optional overvoltage protection (Z type)
Attenuation performance: very high
Leakage current: 0.5 to 1.02 mA
Leakage current (A types): 0.08 mA
Leakage current (B types): 0.002 mA
Operating frequency: dc to 400 Hz
FN 756X DC feedthrough capacitor
EN/IEC 60384-14 approval
Rated currents from 10 to 200 A
2.5 kV pulse test capability
Class Y4 capacitor
Capacitance: 10 to 4700 nF
Leakage current: 0.49 to 230 mA
Rated Current: 10 to 200 A
Voltage: ≤ 130 V
FN 761X AC feedthrough filter
IEC/EN 60939 approval
Rated currents from 10 to 250 A
5 kV pulse test capability
Class Y2 capacitor
Capacitance: 10 to 1000 nF
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Leakage current: 1.89 to 188 mA
Operating frequency: dc to 60 Hz
Rated Current: 10 to 250 A
Voltage: ≤ 300 V
FN 2200 DC EMC/EMI filter for photovoltaic inverters
Reduces conducted emissions towards the solar panel
Reduces the probability of EMI radiation off the solar panel
Helps to prevent pre-mature panel aging because of HF leakage currents
Helps to meet international EMC regulations for the entire PV system
Most compact standard solution in the industry, optionally available without capacitors to ground (B types)
New: up to 2300A
Attenuation performance: high, very high
Rated Current: 25 to 2300 A
Voltage: ≤ 1200 V
- 青岛宇星自动化有限公司
- 联系人:关玲
- 电话:053280962595
- 手机:13405776093
- 拔通电话
- QQ:
- 邮箱:guan@yusungs.com
- 地址:山东青岛市城阳区正阳路196号